Rumination – Incredibly Complex but Delicate Collection

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Originally Written on 10-07-2020, Edited & Posted 6-24-2021 

Every now and then I’ll have a post like this… and since I am back-dating quite a few items, this explanation might not even be the first “rumination” post after all, but it is the first one I am adding. Guys, my life is not linear. Don’t box me in.

I often jot notes down in Evernote in the middle of the night. They don’t always make sense later. Deal with it.

We are just an incredibly complex but delicate collection of cells trying its best to hold in a collection of energy/electricity while hurtling through the universe on a marble hoping to be more than a skin sack of electricity.

Yah. I woke up to that. I have no idea what I was doing before bed. I have no idea what I was doing after jotting that down on my phone. I am well aware I don’t own/didn’t invent the “we’re all star stuff” theory. It’s eight months later. I still agree with it. We’re all pretty much the same on a cellular level. Our base components are the same, you know? We’re all just trying to make sure our bits and bobs stay healthy and whole on our trip through space. In a philosophical way, I am pretty excited that once we’re done with our bits and bobs we’ll all join together to be greater than the sum of our parts. The Universe wants us to be happy, but also wants its energy back. It was just on loan. I truly believe that. I don’t believe much, but the Universe? The Universe is hurtling towards something spectacular.


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